Deanna Scotton, HHP, MH
Areas of expertise: Lyme Disease, Autoimmune, Vaccine injuries, Long Haul, and gut repair, ministry.
Deanna is a Holistic Health Practitioner and Master Herbalist who graduated from New Eden School of Natural Health & Herbal Studies. She, her husband, and four children live in rural North Carolina. She is also a licensed minister with the Assemblies of God.
When Deanna was 16 years old, she was diagnosed with Ehrlichiosis and Lyme Disease, which led to years of doctors appointments and treatments. With every year, it was harder to determine what was from the initial illness and what was from side effects. This journey led her to a Naturopath. She was the only one who truly helped Deanna understand how to reach wellness. For the first time in years, there were answers without side effects. Soon after she began to see this naturopath, she realized she passed Lyme Disease onto all three of her children. Times were tough managing each child with their symptoms, as well as her own.
Diet, natural remedies, and faith in Jesus were the only things that helped. After going through her naturopath’s program, she realized that this was what she truly wanted to do. Many had already come to her for advice on health and what to do.
Deanna’s family has been through their own journey and because of this, it leads her to be compassionate towards others. It helps her understand the great need for those to educate the public on how to take care of our bodies before we hit the doctor’s office. True wellness starts with the willingness to change your lifestyle, habits, and perspective that we have been so ingrained in. It takes time, investments, and adjustments but the lasting results are worth it.
Come, let me take a journey with you so that you can experience the joy that comes through reaching health!
Daniel Scotton, CPT
Area of expertise: Personal Training, General Nutrition, Ministry.
Daniel Scotton is a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM and licensed minister with the state of North Carolina. He has been a fitness guru since 2016 and has spent years studying the body and weight training. He has learned how to perfect form, write personalized work out plans, implement diet and life style changes, and help others do the same.
Growing up in rural North Carolina, Daniel moved back to help his father with his chicken houses. It became very clear during that time that Daniel had a passion for working out and taking care of his body. He loves to spend time with his family and teaching his boys how to play ball.
Daniel and Deanna met in ministry school. They have been in the ministry for 15+ years together as youth pastors. They both see the value in investing in people and teaching everyone that we are given one body from the Lord. We need to be diligent in taking care of it so that we can do what we are called to do.
Together, Daniel and Deanna make a great team, complimenting each other in internal and external wellness techniques.
Deanna Scotton, HHP, MH is a Licensed PWA Practitioner.
3x4 Practitioner
Deanna Scotton, HHP, MH is a 3x4 Genetic Practitioner
Blood work
You can order your own blood work and get it drawn at Lab Corp. You may also use your primary care or Dr. Jonathan Williams with the Well Clinic. Blood work helps us see the here and now of what is going on.
Ezer Wellness LLC is affiliated with the NCPFF. We are here to help you know your rights as a patient so that you can advocate for you and your family.
Places we love to work with and local businesses we support:
Body Balance Therapeutic Massage Jaime Pike. Licensed Massage Therapist is highly trained and professional. We work together with clients who need both massage therapy and lifestyle/diet/nutrient changes.
Dr Jonathan Williams— My PCP and a wonderful MD. He was an ER doctor with years of experience. His clinic can be trusted. He has helped me work beside many clients because there is a powerful partnership when western medicine and natural health come together.
Health Bar —We love the ladies at this IV clinic and Dr. Williams who works with them. IVs are beneficial, especially when the gut is unhealthy.
Travis Kivett State Farm - a local friend and insurance agent who is professional and can offer your family/business protection.
Sapphire Fitness- Our local gym is a great place to stay active and get involved in.
Outsource testing for hormones, adrenal function, food sensitivities and stool analysis.
Daniel and Deanna Scotton live near Liberty, NC with their four children. They are both passionate about helping people reach true health and wellness through Diet, Lifestyle, and Fitness. True Holistic Health is recognizing that we are physical, emotional, and spiritual beings that need to find time to rest, exercise, and eat the foods in the state that God created them. Daniel and Deanna met in ministry school and have been in the ministry for 15+ years together. They look at Ezer Wellness LLC as an extension of that ministry, where they can help educate and walk beside clients as they reach wellness like they both have been able to do for their family.