The gut is a very important topic that needs to be discussed. If you do not have a healthy gut, then your body is going to suffer. If we are not taking care of our gut, our brain and other organs will not be working as they should. If it is left unattended, it can lead to a “leaky gut.” A leaky gut sounds as gross as it is. It is when the lining of the gut is damaged. This can lead to serious diseases, such as Celiac disease and Crohn’s disease. The problem with the gut is that it can show a wide variety of symptoms that make it hard to pinpoint the issue. This is the reason that many experts will diagnose anxiety, IBS, asthma and a whole variety of other diseases when in fact, it could be the gut.
Some symptoms of an unhealthy gut are: chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, IBS, nausea, food poisoning, gas, bloating, GERD, food intolerances, fatigue, headaches, poor concentration, confusion, mood swings, bladder infections, chronic joint pain, asthma, aggression, poor immune system, insomnia, skin issues (acne, psoriasis or rashes), joint pain, seasonal allergies and the list goes on. Yes, the gut affects the brain. If we don’t take care of our gut, it can lead to anxiety and depression. This is where it gets worse. The medications used to treat anxiety and depression work against the gut even further, leading to an endless cycle that never solves either issue.
In America, studies have shown that we have a very unhealthy amount of bad bacteria in our guts, thanks to our diets and stress levels. It is no surprise that we are leading the world in health problems. We spend more money on healthcare, yet we are sicker than even some places in the world who don’t have a doctor. Why is this? We have a crisis. We think that taking a pill will fix something because it takes down one symptom, but then we find ourselves with other symptoms. Before we know it, we are hopping from doctor to doctor and people are thinking that we are crazy because we “just don’t feel well.” You know your body. If you don’t, get to know your body. If something feels off, it’s probably because it is. Don’t ignore it and don’t let anyone make you feel like you are the one that is crazy. Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place for western medicine, but when it comes to healing the gut, many medications that are given only hurt it further.
Everything in our body is connected. If one organ is off, it can lead to health issue after health issue. It may be subtle at first, but when left unattended, it can be quite a long downhill battle for your health and finances. What I see a lot is that people simply have an unhealthy gut. When we start to tackle that issue, we see skin clear up, brain fog lift and they start to feel much better. It may not solve every issue, but the majority of Americans have an unhealthy gut, so why wouldn’t we start there? We can’t heal the brain with out healing the gut. It’s why I start there for anxiety and depression.
Some things that work against your gut are: imbalances, candida (unhealthy amounts), birth control pills, anxiety medications, steroids, excessive alcoholic beverages, toxic overloads (pesticides, 5G, perfumes, mold, toxic chemicals, etc), poor diet (preservatives, dyes, junk food), poor lifestyle choices, SUGAR, stress, antibiotics, pain meds (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Tylenol) and many other toxins.
That seems like a lot to take in, but I have good news! It is reversible! You can restore your gut. I am living proof.
When I was a teenager, I contracted Lyme disease and co-infections. Over the course of 10 years I went through three rounds of heavy antibiotics. It became increasingly evident that my body was being destroyed. I could no longer tell what was a symptom of Lyme disease and what was from the antibiotics. In addition, I ate horribly just to get through two pregnancies. I threw up the entire pregnancy for both and felt like I could go no further. By my third pregnancy, I cried for an entire week when I found out that I would have to go through pregnancy all over again. I loved my children and I was happy about having another baby, but my body had taken everything it could handle. I was in another flare up and I just couldn’t see how I could physically do it all over again, while dealing with my children who were sick as well. Later we found out that I had passed Lyme disease to all three of my children. Life was hard during that time. I never thought I’d have energy again. I never thought that I would be able to think clearly again. I never thought that I could have nice skin again.
Thankfully, my dad introduced me to a naturopath who changed my life. My third pregnancy ended up being the most healthy. I started to heal my gut, even while I was pregnant. My third child was the biggest, healthiest baby that I had. The amazing thing about it all was that I started to see even the outside of me change. It took some time, since I was in the middle of motherhood and hormone changes, but over the next couple of years I changed. I noticed that energy was coming back. Lyme had thrown my thyroid off, as well as given me heart palpitations. As I began to learn more about how to take care of my body from the inside out with nutrition, herbs and lifestyle changes, I started to regain my youth.
I stand here today at the age of 34, amazed at the Lord. It was him who sustained me and it was him to led me to my naturopath. She was the one who encouraged me to go back to school for a Holistic Health Practitioner and the reason that I can tell you that my gut is healed. My skin is clear and I have life inside of me again. In the last five years, my family has reached a place of understanding what it means to take care of our health. We are thriving because of the foods we eat and the herbs that we use. It brings me to tears to look back on how far we have come. Five years ago I was failing to thrive. Today, I am thriving daily. I am a mom of three energetic boys, who used to struggle with energy levels and melt downs every 5-10 minutes. I am a kids Pastor, a small business owner and a wife to a man of God who has changed his own health journey around. This is what living is, but it took work.
I want to encourage you that if you feel that your gut is not healthy and it could be throwing the rest of your body off, there is hope. There are many things that you can do to turn it around and bring the life back into you again.
Here are some things that are essential in gut repair:
CHEW YOUR FOOD. Yes, you heard me right. It is free and simple. The average person does not chew their food properly, especially in America where we are always rushed. When you chew your food, you allow your saliva to produce the enzymes it needs to start breaking down your food.
EAT A HIGH FIBER DIET. Fiber is essential to your digestive system. Fruit & veggies- Apples, dark berries, broccoli, kale, bananas, cauliflower, carrots, avocados, peas, brussel sprouts, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds (pumpkin, chai, flax, almonds, walnuts, pistachios). Psyllium husk is full of fiber as well. I place it in smoothies for my children and myself.
EXERCISE. We all know that exercise is important for a healthy body. You don’t have to work out for an hour to get the benefits. Work out until it burns. I do short bursts of work outs. Studies show that it doesn’t take prolonged periods of elevated heart rate to do the trick. In fact, after a certain period of time, it plateaus. If you can do 10-20 minutes a day of whatever type of exercise you choose, you’ll reap the benefits for years to come. Stay active and stay healthy!
DRINK CLEAN WATER. Alkaline water is the best. They do have pitchers to help naturally filter your water and make it alkaline. Too much acid is not a good thing.
PROBIOTICS AND PREBIOTICS- Maybe you have heard of these two. They work together. When you take probiotics and prebiotics (or get them from food sources), you are helping your body retain more nutrients. They improve inflammation, help with gut-brain health, inhibit allergic and autoimmune responses, help in weight loss, nutrient absorption from the foods you eat and supplements you take and assist your body in fighting off viruses and bacteria. Prebiotics have shown in studies to help in cardiovascular health, lactose issues, obesity, dermatitis and digestive issues. Foods that do have probiotics are: good cheeses, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, pickled foods, sauerkraut, red wine, yogurt– brands and sugar count MATTER. Foods that have prebiotics are: carrots, certain herbs, leek seed, maize, pear, radish, tomato, barley, oats, artichoke, mushrooms, asparagus, onion, bananas, cabbage, brussel sprouts, breast milk, dandelion greens, apples, citrus, plums, and honey. We have Dr. Mercola’s Probiotics. All the probiotics that we have already have prebiotics in them.
ENZYMES-When we take enzymes, we help our body’s digestive system break down fats and protein. Foods that have enzymes in them are: pineapples, papayas, mangoes, honey, bananas, avocados, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kiwifruit and ginger. Our body naturally makes enzymes in our saliva to break down the food, which is why it’s important that you chew your food properly. Some people’s metabolism can be slower and need a little extra help breaking down proteins and fats. This can lead to gaining weight and poor digestion. In return, it can lead to bowel issues and an unhealthy gut.
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR- has been shown to have so many benefits in studies.
Digestion- assists in the acidic environment in the stomach to help digestion. It helps maintain healthy inflammatory responses in the stomach. It can also help with weight loss.
Nausea- incredible for nausea and acid reflux.
It is fermented so it helps with giving you even more probiotics and antioxidants.
Supplements- We have Fire and Moon brews. These are incredible to boost the immune system and aid in viral treatments. Place a shot to the prevent, add water and then chug. Drink water and swish with water in the mouth to get rid of any leftover acid.
OIL OF OREGANO- a powerful antibacterial and antioxidant. It is also anti-parasitic, antiviral, and anti-fungal. Gaia herbs oil of oregano. Dr. Mercola immune support has oregano and many other herbs that are beneficial for the gut and overall immune system.
GARLIC- natural antibiotic, antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. We are working on finding a good garlic supplement. You can place it on your feet when you are sick or just to help you detox if you can’t stand to eat it in large amounts.
DETOX- detoxing is so important to a healthy gut. Between supplements and eating whole foods that help your liver detox, you cannot skip that step. Herbs are fantastic for supporting your liver and helping your body get rid of the extra toxins. We have a wide variety of medicinal herbal teas and detoxes in our office. These are medicinal quality and cannot be placed online. We also have castor oil packs that are one of the best detoxes you can do.
XYLITOL-an alternative sweetener that also targets candida. Replace sugar which only destroys your gut with healthier sweeteners, such as xylitol, honey, monk fruit, coconut sugar and Erythritol.
VITAMINS AND MINERALS- Vitamin C, A, and Zinc, Glutamine -When you are exposed to toxins and viruses, vitamins and minerals in supplement form can give you an extra boost to help your immune system. In return, it protects your gut from further destruction. We have plenty of vitamins and minerals on our online shop that will help support your body and get your gut back to where it needs to be.
CONSULTATIONS- If you have no idea how to rebuild a gut, getting expertise can go a long way. Deanna has spent years helping others and her own family rebuild their gut and keep it healthy. There are so many diseases and health issues that stem from an unhealthy gut, don’t let it defeat you and take away your health. BOOK YOUR CONSULTATION TODAY!
These statements have not been approved by the FDA and are not used to treat, diagnose or cure any disease.
If your anxiety levels, aggression, irritability or depression is creeping in, let’s have a chat!
I don’t want you to go around struggling when it could be as simple as fixing your gut.