Dandelions are for more than wishes
Dandelions are for more than wishes….
Taraxacum officinale
When I was little, dandelions were so magical to me. They held wishes in every single seed. I would spend ours outside picking the yellow flowers and blowing the seeds. I didn’t even know how pivotal that was in helping them flourish. I would be in my own dreamland watching the seeds float away into the breeze. I never thought about how a seed blowing in the wind would be replanted. I still marvel at how God spoke things into existence once and it continues to thrive on its own.
I would pick the flowers and mix it with water and other plants to pretend I was a scientist coming up with a cure. This was years before I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. It is amazing how I have circled back around. What I was doing was actually taking part in medicine making as a child. Of course I had much to learn about proper medicine making, but when I was playing, I was using plants that are medicinal. I love to watch my children doing exactly what I did as a child, but they have the advantage of their mom teaching them how to use them for their health. My four year old loves to go around picking the leaves and flowers for me to make medicine with. I don’t cut my grass right away in the spring so that we can get the benefits of harvesting dandelions and dead nettles, as well as giving the bees a head start on pollination. Dandelions are so simple, so small, yet so powerful.
Most people look at this little yellow flower as a weed, but they have no idea of the value. These plentiful flowers that appear in early spring are very medicinal. Not only are they full of essential vitamins and minerals, but they have many properties that are beneficial for overall health. The other benefit is that the entire plant can be used! Why is this herb so special? Studies have shown what this herb can do:
1. Dandelions are blood and liver tonics. This means that they are an incredible detox that help nourish and vitalize both the blood and liver. Since your liver is responsible for helping your body detox, dandelions are great to support your liver.*
2. Balance. In addition to cleansing the body, the dandelion helps balance the body out. It helps with a healthy metabolism and nourishment. They are a superfood, not a weed. It improves issues in digestion, flatulence, acid reflux and constipation. Since a lot of skin problems are a result of hormone imbalances, dandelion can improve acne, itching, scars, eczema and other skin related issues.*
3. Dandelions are also diuretic. This means that they increase the flow of urine, which helps remove excess of water, salt and toxins from the body. This makes it an excellent choice for water retention that is directly related to the heart. If you suffer from repeat UTIs, Dandelion can help prevent and treat the infection. They can help pull harmful toxins out that you are exposed to every day. It stimulates kidney function without depleting potassium (potassium is present in dandelions), like some medications do.*
4. Dandelions are also useful in treating inflammation and congestion of the liver and gallbladder. It has been recommended in blood disorders, jaundice, chronic gastritis, hepatitis, ulcers and many other diseases, especially those that affect the liver. It has been also used for in night sweats, typhoid fever and cold fingers and toes.*
5. Dandelions support the immune system. I love the herbs that specifically help the immune system. This is one of those. They help build healthy red blood cells, energizes the pancreas to produce insulin, regulates blood sugar levels and may even inhibit the development of cancer cells and tumors. With all the vitamins and minerals in this plant, it is no wonder it is such a support for the immune system.*
Mountain Rose Herbs is a company I use frequently (when I don’t harvest my own). They have a lot of great extracts and herbals that have dandelion in them:
Dandelion Root Extract- Herbalists will make extracts from herbs using alcohol or glycerin. Alcohol is beneficial to preserve and help your body absorb the herbal properties.
Dandelion Leaf- The leaf can be used in teas or medicine making. You can also sprinkle it over food.
Skin Care Extract- Like I mentioned, the skin can benefit from dandelion. This extract has a lot of amazing herbs in it that will help keep the skin healthy.
Dandelion Root- Dandelion root can be used in medicine making or tea. It does have a bitter taste, but the benefits are endless. You can use it in your culinary endeavors as well.
Liver Care Extract- This extract is specific for the liver. If you want to support your liver in its natural detoxing abilities, this is a good one.
Women’s Balancing Tea- Hormones can be an issues for women. This tea can help your body keep the balance it needs by giving you enriching nutrients.
I am also currently making extracts in my office of dandelion and pine needle for my clients.
Cautions: Consult your doctor before consuming dandelion medicinals. Excess can result in skin rashes or irritation to the intestines. Avoid consumption in the case of gallstones or biliary tract blockage. Do not take if you are consuming other diuretics. Dandelion may theoretically cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to plants in the Asteraceae family.
*The FDA has not approved of these statements and are not used to treat, diagnose or heal any disease.
Medical Herbalism The science and practice of herbal medicine. David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG.
Materia Medica