Studies show that key nutrients, such as selenium, iodine, and zinc are common in those with thyroid disease. *
This does not mean that you automatically supplement with these nutrients. In fact, it can sometimes make it worse if you have not dealt with other underlying issues. *
Thyroid diseases have become the norm in America. From the Standard American Diet to the stress levels, it is no wonder people are struggling with keeping their thyroid working optimally. If we are in a time when thyroids are struggling, then what can we do before it gets to be too late? There are a few things that study show about our thyroids that can improve with some simple changes.
Diet- Food is medicine. We do live in a world now where food alone is not enough, but without changing your diet, it is impossible to maintain health. The thyroid needs key nutrients in order to work. A lot of people are either not eating enough whole and clean foods that are rich in key nutrients (such as selenium and zinc) or aren’t retaining the nutrients due to poor gut health, heavy metal overloads, and/or toxin overload. The first place to start is to change the diet. This means that you need to be eating lots of vegetables, fruits, protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. It is a misconception that carbs hurt the thyroid. In fact, not enough carbs can impair the thyroid. What TYPE of carbs are you eating? Are you eating sugar and breads that turn into sugar or are you eating complex carbs, such as sweet potatoes? Also, how much are you eating? Everything should be in balance. This is a very controversial topic with the Keto diet vs. others. I am not promoting on diet. I want my clients eating a balanced diet. One thing I should mention is what some studies show: “The Paleo diet has been documented to improve AITD antibodies and thyroid hormones in both Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease.The Paleo diet can provide a natural source of nutrients similar to supplemental nutrients that have shown positive results on AITD.” (r.2) Learning how to eat a well-rounded diet is essential to any repair in the body. That is why I offer my clients a DNC plan that includes a food journal. I like to be able to see what they are eating so that I can suggest certain things. We will get into what juicing can do for the thyroid in a bit, so stick with me.*
Stress management- This is HUGE! Stress is a silent killer. It can wreak havoc on your entire body. The thyroid takes a huge hit when you are under chronic hit. Learning how to manage stress can make or break your health. You can eat all the right things and take all the right supplements, but if you can’t manage stress, you will not be well. *
Pathogens inside the gut can affect the thyroid. When you have an abnormal amount of pathogens (candida, parasites, Lyme and co-infections, fungus, etc.) inside the gut, your body will not thrive. We know that studies show a connection to gut health and thyroid. The microbiome (the gut) is crucial in thyroid health. Studies show that certain strains of good bacteria were shown in individuals that were healthy, whereas individuals who has high amounts of pathogens and low amounts of good strains of bacteria showed to have common thyroid diseases. Part of the reason could be due to the fact that if you have an imbalance in your microbiome, you will not be retaining the nutrients from the foods that you are eating. Cleansing the gut and rebuilding the good bacteria cultures can drastically improve symptoms. *
The liver and thyroid are connected. When the liver is overloaded with toxins, the thyroid struggles to keep up. You can see all over studies the connection between liver diseases and thyroid dysfunction. Add alcohol to the mix and it is a recipe for disaster. Some people get stuck between phase 1 and 2 of the liver detox because of genetic disposition. Others have such a toxic environment from the foods that they eat, products they use on their body, heavy metals they are exposed to and many other factors. You can not handle the thyroid issues without the liver being supported. *
Heavy metals can be a huge culprit in thyroid diseases. Mercury is a big one that is known to show major problems for the thyroid. Think Mercury fillings! If you have these in your mouth, eventually, they will cause you issues. It is best to find a dentist that will take them out. The risks are just not worth it.
Now that you know what may be a big cause of thyroid disease, what can you do about it to help your thyroid work optimally?
The answer is not very simple. I wish I could tell everyone that is a one-size-fits-all protocol, but true Naturopaths simply do not work in protocols. Everyone is so different and root causes are different for every individual. That is why it is necessary to work with a qualified practitioner that can walk with you, as you put into practice lifestyle, diet, and supplemental changes. Thyroid repair takes dedication and time, but it can be done in the large majority of individuals. While you are working individually on repair, there are a few things that are generalized that can help.
Juicing with carrot and celery. This is one I tell every thyroid client to do. It is incredible what celery and carrot juice does for the body. Liquid is easily absorbed by the body, no matter what state that you are in with your health. Both celery and carrots have properties that can help nourish the thyroid and detox the body. It is so effective that many individuals see a drastic change immediately. Both of these vegetables can help reduce stress on the body and supply a large amount of nutrients. Add in more vegetables like radishes and beets, and you will be helping your liver and thyroid further. *
Take care of your liver. There are many ways of doing this. Stay clear of alcohol consumption, cigarettes, refined sugars, hydrogenated oils, and other processed foods. Eating whole and clean foods will nourish the body and help your liver detox from daily toxins it is exposed to. Drinking nourishing liver teas made from dandelion or milk thistle can help as well. Using a castor oil pack is one of the best ways to help your liver detox naturally. *
Make sleep a priority. You cannot repair when you don’t get adequate sleep. The adrenals are so important when it comes to thyroid health. Making sure that you are in bed by 10 pm every night and waking at a timely matter (around the same time) every morning, helps the adrenals repair. If you are struggling with sleep because of thyroid health, you need to talk to your practitioner about supplemental support to help you sleep. *
Learn to manage your stress. Remember, stress is a silent killer. You need to make sure that you have hobbies or practices that can help you manage stress, especially if your job or family is demanding of your energy. A lot of people that have thyroid issues are high stressed individuals or have overloaded their bodies with toxins for so long that they cannot get out of the cycle. *
Get your metal fillings out and be careful what you cook with. Aluminum and mercury are awful for the thyroid. Heavy metals are a lot of the times a root cause of thyroid disease. Find a good dentist that will remove them. You cannot repair if you don’t take away the root of why you ended up in disease in the first place. *
Prioritize healing the gut. In every single disease, the gut is a culprit. Practice good gut health. Some genetic backgrounds need to try harder than others to maintain good gut health.*
Remove mold in your surroundings if there are any and make sure that you correct nutrient deficiencies. Mineral imbalances are huge in thyroid health. *
All of these statements are not FDA approved and are not meant to cure, diagnose, or treat any disease.