Let’s talk about elder.

Black Elder

Sambucus nigra L.

Let’s talk about Elder. Many of you may have heard of Elderberry Syrup. Elderberries come from the Black Elder plant. This plant has gotten a lot of attention in recent years for good reason. The leaf, berries and flower all have medicinal properties. 

The leaf is an expectorant.This means that it is effective in expelling mucous from your respiratory system. The leaf also helps to remove toxins from the body, increase urine flow, and help induce heavy sweating. How the leaf can be beneficial is in viruses. As you may know, mucous can get into the chest. Having a good herbal extract that has Elder leaf and flower in it to help thin and remove that excess mucous could prevent a virus from getting stuck in your chest, causing a whole lot more problems in the near future. The leaf can also be used topically for bruises, sprains and wounds. The flower helps with UTIs, viruses and inflammation. It is rich in bioflavonoids, that are used for inflammation and as an antioxidant. 

Elderberries are popular because many have capitalized on Elderberry Syrup. It is yummy, healthy and full of Quercetin and Antioxidants. This makes it a great immune booster. There is a process in cooking and simmering the berries to make the syrup that brings out the medicinal qualities while killing off the toxic abilities. If you were to go eat berries straight off the bush, they are toxic, so please don’t go out foraging. The seeds are toxic when uncooked, but when cooked, are incredible for the immune system.

You have probably seen Quercetin and Antioxidants thrown out there a lot. What are these two words? Let’s start with Quercetin. Quercetin reduces inflammation that can be associated with allergies and can inhibit the growth of head and neck cancers. Studies have been showing more and more that Quercetin also has antiviral properties. 

I want to make clear that I am for Quercetin being consumed in foods and herbs more than typical supplements. There are so many good tasting foods that can be consumed to help your situation. Yes, these supplements can help, but the best source is always going directly to the plant. Taking an herbal supplement that has Quercetin rich herbs in it would be a better option. Elderberry syrup is one of those herbals. 

Foods that are rich in Quercetin are: apples, red onion (high source), grapes, berries, cherries, Elderberry (do not consume raw), kale, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, scallions, and honey. There are more but these have high amounts of Quercetin in them. Now you know why they say, “Eat your fruits and veggies!” 

Secondly, I’d like to talk about Antioxidants. I’m sure you have heard that dark chocolate is full of antioxidants, especially from those chocolate indulgers out there! Antioxidants fight off free radicals (have the ability to damage cells when too high). Your body was designed to fight off these free radicals and keep them in check, but as you know, our diet can really work against our natural defenses. We want to make sure that we get plenty of foods and herbs that help our body, not work against it. 

The foods that are rich in antioxidants are garlic, berries, kale, dark chocolate (for my chocolate lovers, switch to 70%+), walnuts, beans, artichoke, grapes, apples, oranges and the list goes on. Again, eat your fruits and veggies, preferably organic and non GMO when you can. Organic means you won’t be taking in pesticides. Our grocery stores really don’t help us out. Find a local organic, non-GMO farmer to support. It might be a little more expensive, but you will save on your medical bills when you eat clean. It will also help your local growers and farmers!

Now that we know what Quercetin and Antioxidants are, what are some supplements that we can take when our lives are so busy and we are on the go? We have a few that could help you. 

Elderberry syrup is safe for the whole family, delicious and can be used to boost your immune system. Studies have shown that Black Elder appears to strengthen cell membranes to prevent virus penetration. While it might not protect you from every virus, it has also shown to lessen the duration when you develop symptoms. This is due to the high counts of Antioxidants and Quercetin. 

My family has used Elderberry syrup for years during late fall to early spring. Between healthy eating and taking immune boosters, my children do not get sick that often even when everyone else is getting sick. When they do, I have my other herbal extracts that I give them which has made for pretty mild colds. Herbs have changed our family’s life. We used to be the ones who got sick all the time. Now, we have the tools to help our body do what it was created to do! I have seen what herbal supplements have done for my family, and I can no longer keep it to myself. This is why I started this business. 

There are some amazing companies that we work with that have Herbs with Antioxidants and Quercetin in them, not just Elder.: 

  1. RD Naturals Elderberry syrup. We sell it in 8 oz. And 16 oz. -I choose syrups that are free of sugar. I choose honey because it is a natural preservative, antiviral, a natural cough syrup and tastes sweet for the kiddos.

  2. RD Naturals Elderberry Gummies. - We know that kids love their gummies but we HATE when companies use gelatin, sugar and other nasty fillers and preservatives. Thanks to RD Naturals, we can offer you elderberry gummies.

  3. Five Flavor Herbs Kid Calm has antioxidants and Quercetin in the herbs. Chamomile, Catnip and Lemon Balm are full of these properties, along with many others. It isn’t just good for your children, but for the whole family. It is good for anxiety, sicknesses, and overall health.

  4. Five Flavor Herbs Respiratory Recoup.- This herbal extract is amazing for your respiratory system. During sickness or recuperating, you can trust the herbs in here are full of antioxidants and Quercetin, as well as many other properties to help you get well and expel excess mucous. I would not suggest taking this herbal extract every day. Take it only when you are sick and recuperating.

  5. Five Flavor Herbs Sustainable Energy Extract- Adaptogens is for another day, but just know that they help your body’s defenses against disease. They will help you battle stress. The herbs in this extract are full of antioxidants and Quercetin, but also so many other properties. If you are a stressed person, have a lot going on or are sick all the time, adaptogens can really help you.

  6. Earthley Anti-inflammatory Herbal Extract- I love Earthley and the supplements that they have to offer. Their products are made in house so that they remain organic, pure and they can keep an eye on production. The owner is a mom and herbalist who truly cares about quality and educating the public.This particular supplement is fantastic for keeping your body’s inflammation in check. It is full of antioxidants and Quercetin. I would suggest not taking this every single day because it has Echinacea in it, but you can just take breaks in between. Echinacea is one of the best herbs in the western hemisphere medicinally because it is an immune booster and has lots of disease specific qualifications. With that said, you don’t want to boost your immune system constantly. I always take breaks after sick season.

  7. Earthley Gut Health Oil- I always say, “Healthy gut, healthy life.” Once I healed my gut, my whole body started to heal. This herbal extract is fantastic. It has antioxidants and Quercetin in it, as well as many other properties. It is also safe for the whole family, including in pregnancy and nursing! Kids could benefit from it to keep their little guts healthy.

  8. All of the herbal teas have herbs in them that have antioxidant and Quercetin properties. The Earth Mama teas are not just for moms! They can be for the whole family. They are safe for pregnancy and nursing as well.

If you have any questions on where to start, you can contact Deanna Scotton, MH for a free consultation. Go to our contact form to book your free consultation. 

*These statements are not approved by the FDA. They are not intended to treat or cure any disease.

References: Medical Herbalism. The Science and practice of Herbal Medicine. David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG. 


Dandelions are for more than wishes


Initial onsite of a virus